Monday 9 November 2015

Side Effects of Green Tea and How to Avoid Them

Green tea symptoms are uncommon for the normal grown-up drinking with some restraint. I consistently drink green tea and I feel awesome. Negative impacts of green tea are truly a typical is best to identify with your specialist before beginning to drink green tea.
The accompanying are some conceivable reactions of green tea.
1. Stomach Miracle and Stoppage: In Japan and China, it is basic learning that you shouldn't drink green tea on a vacant stomach. The green tea tannins build stomach corrosive. In this way, on the off chance that you drink green tea before eating, it may give you a stomachache, a queasy feeling, or cause clogging. It is best to drink green tea after a supper or in the middle of dinners. Individuals with peptic ulcers or heartburn ought to be particularly cautious. You can have a go at including milk on the off chance that it consistently causes stomachaches.
2. Affectability to Caffeine: Green tea has less caffeine than espresso or dark tea, yet regardless it contains caffeine. Things being what they are, what amount is an excess of green tea? WebMD says more than five mugs. Drinking an excessive amount of green tea can bring about caffeine bigotry and minerals overdose. A moderate measure of caffeine is under 200 mg a day. An excess of caffeine can bring about the accompanying reactions.

  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Sleep issues
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritability
  • Irregular pulse
  • Tremor
  • Heartburn
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Convulsions
  • Confusion

Caffeine might likewise associate with a few medicines. In case you're stressed over the caffeine in green tea, you can attempt Fit tea, which contains lower levels of caffeine.
3. Diminished Admission of Iron: Green tea catechins can bring about a decline in the retention of iron from sustenance. On the off chance that you have iron-insufficiency sickliness, the National Cancer Institute prescribes expending tea between dinners. On the off chance that you get a kick out of the chance to drink green tea with your supper, then studies demonstrate to you ought to eat foods that improve iron assimilation. Foods high in iron incorporate meats, for example, red meat and nourishments high in Vitamin C, for example, lemons.
4. Drug Interactions:On the off chance that you are taking physician endorsed drugs, you ought to check to ensure there are not any medication cooperation with green tea. Research done in the University of Maryland demonstrates a rundown of possible drug interactions.